Kathleen Rodgers
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Johnnie On the Spot in Family Magazine Jan. 2016 i

Family Magazine features Colleyville author Kathleen M. Rodgers in January 2016 Issue

 Family Magazine features Colleyville resident Kathleen M. Rodgers in the January 2016 Issue.  The article, titled "Johnnie on the Spot," focuses on Kathleen's writing career and her second novel, Johnnie Come Lately, which garnered two national book awards in 2015. Family Magazine was established in 1958 and is distributed at US military commissaries worldwide mid-month (500,000 circulation). Kathleen sold a short story and a nonfiction to them in 1988 and was featured in a story in 2009. Kathleen has resided in Colleyville, TX since 1992.

To read more about the story, please visit her blog:

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