Colleyville Garden Club Meeting



Central Standard Time



Colleyville Center
5301 Riverwalk Drive
Colleyville, Texas 76034

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Colleyville Garden Club Meeting

Wednesday, January 8

Colleyville Center, 5301 Riverwalk Drive

9:30 am Check-in/Social time

10:00 Meeting begins 

Speaker – Toni Moorehead, owner of Signature Gardens

Topic – “Upgrade Your Builder Grade Landscape”


The Colleyville Garden Club will have its next meeting on January 8 at the Colleyville Center. Check-in/Social time will begin at 9:30 am and the meeting starts at 10:00 am. Toni Moorehead, Tarrant County Master Gardener and owner of Signature Gardens, will share how to take your landscape from builder to better by applying “Right Plant/Right Place” principles.  

For more information, visit our website at or our Facebook page. Visitors are welcome. You don’t have to live in Colleyville to join our club.

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