Starts 09/21/2024 11:00 (Saturday)
Ends 09/21/2024 13:00 (Saturday) Central Standard Time
Duration 2h
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There's the Good, the Bad, and the Unreasonable when it comes to dating advice from social media, well-meaning family members, and friends. How do you sort through what's going to help you vs harm you? How do you know if you are ready to date? How do you know if the person you are interested in is ready to date, much less make a commitment? How do create your Ideal List and match it with established guidelines for what should be on it versus "bonus points" sections? Real world scenarios, proven tips, and handouts to help guide you to your next date.
And what happens if you pick up a tidbit of info but then you do not have the opportunity to implement it in a short period of time? Most people forget what they pick up unless they can use it.
This is the first of a series of events that build upon one another. Unlike other dating events, this is going to be part practical, easily implementable tips based on research & decades of experience serving over five hundred singles, and part live, interaction, mingling with other singles.
The goal is to have an event like this once a month. If you are unable to make each one, it is fine, and you can attend the next one or meet with Lori for 1:1 coaching.
Eventbrite will have all of the details and ticket options. Each event is limited to 24 attendees. This allows for more interaction and is less overwhelming than a large get-together event that may deter some who are more on the introverted or shyer side.
This is a ticketed event, so there are no registration options at the door. Secure your ticket TODAY.
Your guide is an international speaker, coach, media commentator, and author with over 25 years of clinical counseling experience. She had provided this information to fellow professionals and thousands of individuals seeking guidance on this dating journey.