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Hopefully you'll never have to put your lessons to use, but a self-defense course for women is a great way to prepare yourself for the worst-case scenario.

The City of Colleyville will offer Rape Aggression Defense (R.A.D.), a self-defense, women-only class, beginning January 11th. This free class will meet for five consecutive weeks from 6 to 9 p.m. at the Colleyville Public Library. Women will learn awareness, prevention, risk reduction, risk avoidance, and also the basics of hands-on defense training. Nationally-certified R.A.D. instructors Toni Oyler and Cheryl Womack, who are both with the Colleyville Police Department, will lead the class.

The course is limited to 20 participants. Email or call 817.503.1241 to sign up.