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With Christmas just days away, many Colleyville residents are hurrying to finish up their last-minute shopping. But in your haste, don't forget to follow basic safety techniques to deter potential thieves.

Before you leave your home, remember to:

  •  Always lock your doors and windows when leaving the house, even for a few minutes. It may sound like common sense, but lots of folks leave their doors unlocked when leaving home with the mindset, “I’ll be gone just five minutes."
  • A great way to deter potential thieves is by leaving a radio or television on when you’re away. It gives the illusion that your home is still occupied.

Follow these handy tips to keep safe while out shopping:

  • Make sure you pay attention to the number of bags and packages you are carrying. If something gets left behind, it could get stolen or thrown away.
  • Always inform a security guard or store employee if there is an unattended bag or package. 
  • Check your wallet or purse to make sure all credit cards are still in your possession after purchasing gifts.
  • Move your wallet to your front pocket or carry a cross-body purse with a zipper.
  • Always lock your car doors and put the gifts from those holiday shopping trips in the trunk of your car.

For those shopping with children in tow, remember that packed malls can make it even easier to "get lost":

  • Have your children learn your phone number. Give the children that don’t know a card with the number.
  • Have a plan to meet in a specific location in case of separation. Review with your children the proper people to turn to approach if they get lost.
  • Remind them of the dangers of talking with strangers.

Have a happy and safe holiday season!

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