
It’s Thanksgiving Day and while you’re probably more consumed with the delicious smells of turkey baking in the oven and mashed potatoes cooking on the stove, it’s important to remember that accidents and crimes can still happen, even during the holidays.

The holidays, one of the busiest times of year, can quickly turn from festive to frightening. Here are a few tips to protect your family and your personal property during the merriest time of year.

  • It may sound like common sense, but lots of folks leave their doors unlocked when leaving home with the mindset, “I’ll be gone just five minutes.” Always lock your doors and windows when leaving the house, even for a few minutes.
  • A great way to deter potential thieves is by leaving a radio or television on when you’re away. It gives the illusion that your home is still occupied.
  • Always lock your car doors and put the gifts from those holiday shopping trips in the trunk of your car.
  • Lots of folks spend the day after Thanksgiving putting up their Christmas trees. Be sure to double check that the wiring on your tree lights isn’t frayed or damaged. Damaged wires could cause a fire.
  • Keep your Christmas tree green by placing it in water or wet sand. Dry, brittle pine needles could be tinder for a fire.
  • Never put wrapping paper in a fireplace. Toss it in the trash or recycle it if possible.

For more holiday safety tips, click here.

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