Starts 09/12/2023 09:30 (Tuesday)
Ends 09/12/2023 11:30 (Tuesday) Central Standard Time
Duration 2h
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September 12
Colleyville Center
9:30 am Registration/Social time
10:00 am Meeting begins
Guest Speaker – Dr. Sarah Khan MD, Medical Director of Eve’s Breast Center
The Colleyville Woman’s Club will hold its first meeting of the year on Tuesday, September 12th at the Colleyville Center. Social time will begin at 9:30 am and the meeting will commence at 10:00 am. The program will feature Dr. Sarah Khan MD, Medical Director of Eve’s Breast Center – The Breast Specialists.
Dr. Kahn’s goal will be to discuss the importance of mammography. She will describe the difference between the different modalities, the pitfalls and how to navigate through them. She will discuss what’s on the horizon and how to make the best choices in this era of new technology. Dr. Kahn’s background:
Be sure to join us. Visitors are welcome.