Colleyville Woman's Club Meeting



Central Standard Time



Colleyville Center
5301 Riverwalk Dr.
Colleyville, Texas 76034

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The next meeting for Colleyville Woman’s Club will be:

January 9

Colleyville Center

9:30 am Registration

10:00 am Meeting begins

Speaker – Bill Hanke


Bill Hanke is a 2nd generation US Air Force veteran. An ordained minister. Bill was an associate pastor of a small church for 8 ½ years in Mesquite, Texas. He worked with an Internationally known pastor and evangelist. Bill has been writing and producing Christian dramas for 30 years. One of the dramas that he wrote and directed was televised from his church in Orlando and was broadcast on TBN in the mid 1990’s.

Bill Hanke is a past president of Top Flight Toastmasters where he served 5 terms. He was also the Area Director for Toast Masters International in the DFW area.  While involved in Toastmasters International Bill won various awards in Area and Divisional speech contests.

Bill Hanke has authored 2 books: Hello Gorgeous, and God Give Me My Mountain. Bill’s passion is to help others achieve their goals, dreams, and God given visions.

Bill will help you to realize that you are never too young, too old, too skinny, or too anything no matter what your obstacles you can CONQUER YOUR MOUNTAINS!


Questions, contact or visit webpage at Visitors are welcome!

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