Colleyville Woman's Club Meeting



Central Standard Time



Colleyville Center
5301 Riverwalk Drive
Colleyville, Texas 76034

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September 10

Colleyville Center

11:00 am Registration/Social time

11:30 am Meeting begins

Guest Speakers – Dr. Bradley Schnautz – GCISD Superintendent
Derick Sibley – GCISD Chief Financial Officer


The Colleyville Woman’s Club will hold its first meeting of the year on Tuesday, September 10 at the Colleyville Center. Social time will begin at 11:00 am and the meeting will commence at 11:30 am. The program will feature Dr. Bradley Schnautz, GCISD Superintendent and Derick Sibley, GCISD Chief Financial Officer.

NOTE – All meetings this year will be at lunchtime.

In the November 5 general election, registered voters residing within the GCISD boundaries will be asked to consider a three-cent increase to the Maintenance and Operations (M&O) tax rate that would generate approximately $6 million in funding for school district operations, including instruction, staff, transportation, maintenance, extracurricular activities and other daily operating expenses, excluding projects included in the recent bond. Dr. Schnautz and Mr. Sibley will share facts regarding the voter-approved tax ratification election (VATRE), along with budget and tax rate information and the impact of the VATRE to the district.

Box lunches may be ordered for this meeting at Deadline to order is Friday, September 6!

Be sure to join us. Visitors are welcome.

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