Colleyville Garden Club "Gardens of Gold" Daffodil



Central Standard Time



Colleyville Center
5301 Riverwalk Drive
Colleyville, Texas 76034

“Gardens of Gold”

Daffodil Bulb Sales End September 23


Colleyville Garden Club is selling bags of Carlton daffodil bulbs for its “Gardens of Gold” community beautification project. The daffodils are suited to our area and are to be planted this November so they will bloom next spring. They are a great value at a bag of 50 bulbs for just $35 each.

All bulbs must be pre-ordered. The deadline for placing orders is September 23. Orders and payments may be made by:

Bulbs are to be picked up at the Colleyville Center on October 25 from 11 am - 1 pm or 5 - 6 pm.

If you have questions, contact either Carol Wollin at 817-798-3058 or

Nancy Coplen at 817-300-8351.

Proceeds will go towards CGC beautification projects in our community. We thank the City of Colleyville for their support.